Welcome to Palolem Beach Resort , Goa , India

Palolem Beach Resort

 A stay at Palolem Beach Resort means making the very most of a fun and relaxing holiday experience in Palolem. Our friendly, helpful staff will ensure your stay is a comfortable one, and our excellent amenities include hot water, room service, generator backup, laundry service, car parking, on-site Ayurvedic spa and complimentary Continental Breakfast. The beach-facing restaurant offers sweeping views of the bay and has an extensive menu of Goan, Indian, Continental and fresh seafood dishes. Enjoy the glorious Palolem sunsets from your hotel sun lounger or from the Beach House Bar with its cocktail Happy Hour and wide selection of drinks. The best beach bars, restaurants and clubs are within easy walking distance, and as one of the few hotels in south Goa to be open all year round, the Palolem Beach Resort is designed to be your home away from home on the beach.

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